Monday, March 25, 2019

Clogs Race

Hi everyone. What's up? Today, I want to give you some information about a traditional game from Indonesia, named Clogs or in Bahasa is Bakiak. Hope you guys enjoy it.

Clogs Race or Lomba Bakiak

Clogs is a traditional game from West Sumatra. Children from West Sumatra who were born until the mid-1970s, often and usually play these clogs. Long clogs or what is often called a pumping pump in West Sumatra is a row of long rubber straps. A pair of 'clogs' must have at least three pairs of sandals or played by three children. Unlike the case with the area of West Sumatra, clogs are the name in Central Java for a kind of sandal that has a lightweight wooden sole with a foot strap made of used tires nailed to both sides. 
This is the look of Clogs. 
The looks of Clogs Race
And this is how to play Clogs Race.
  1. Clogs are used like footwear by 3 players in 1 group.
  2. Then enter the foot into the slot area, like in the picture
  3. Each player should be connected as one. Because they are should walk together and move each legs together and move a step together. Right with right, left with left.
  4. And this game should be played more then 1 group, at least 2 group. Because this game determines who is faster. The faster is the winner.
The clogs race
Benefit of Clogs Race.
  1. Train Body Member Coordination. This game is good for training coordination of the limbs, because when playing clogs, move your body and legs to move simultaneously.
  2. Train Your Patience. Playing clogs really requires high energy and patience because it requires concentration and balance to move so as not to fall.
  3. Train a Teamwork. These clogs games can train in collaboration with teammates. When we play clogs, we will balance leg movements between legs. 
Benefit of Playing Clogs Race
The reason I choose Clogs Race is because the benefit of playing Clogs Race is very useful. Besides it's one of traditional games from Indonesia, it's really fun game not inferior to modern games. And traditional games should be preserved and do not let it extinct. That's all the information about Clogs Race that I can give for all of you. Sorry for the incomplete information and may all of this information could give you more knowledge. THANK YOU.

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