Monday, April 15, 2019

Javanese Traditional Clothing (Beskap)

Hi, everyone. What's up? Today I'm going to give you some information about one of traditional clothing from Javanese named Beskap. Hope you guys enjoy this.


Beskap is one type of upper clothing in Jawi Jangkep, but along with it's development it is often worn separately. The tradition of using Beskap has existed since the days of Mataram at the end of the 18th century. The shaped of a folded shirt and collared shirt, Beskap usually uses plain fabric colors. The buttons on the Beskap are located on the right and left side and the side button pattern. Like the upper clothing for Jawi Jangkep, the back of the Beskap is open for Kris. 

There are 4 types of Beskap. They are :
  • Beskap Solo style, which is a type of Beskap inspired by the cultural standard of the Kasunan Palace.
Beskap solo style
  • Beskap Yogya style, this type of Beskap refers to the standard of the Sultanate.
Beskap Yogya style
  • Beskap Landung
Beskap Landung
  • Beskap Kulon style
Beskap Kulon style

The reason I choose Beskap is I was used it when my unlce married. It such a great cloth that I ever used. It's a bit hot but feel comfortable and I loved the cloth. And that's all my information about Beskap. I'm sorry for incomplete information. Hope you this increase your knowledge about traditional clothing especially Beskap. Thank You.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Gado-Gado (Mix Vegetables with the Peanut Sauce)

Hi, everyone. What's up? Today I want to give you some information about one of the popular and delicious Traditional Food from Indonesia. It's Gado-Gado. Hope you guys enjoy this.


Gado-gado is one of traditional food originating from Indonesia in the form of vegetables which are boiled and mixed together, with peanut sauce and mashed together with sliced eggs and in general many add mashed potatoes then topped with fried onion. Then add a little fried chips or crackers which add more tasted from gado-gado. Gado-gado can be eaten liked a salad with peanut sauce, but can also be eaten along with rice but sometimes with rice cake.

The looks of gado-gado
Vegetables that are often used can vary, although the vegetables that are commonly used are:
  • Small sliced green vegetables such as lettuce, cabbage, cauliflower, long beans, and bean sprouts.
  • Carrot and cucumber.
  • Tomato.
  • Sliced boiled potatoes.
  • Boiled eggs.
  • Tempe and tofu
One of the differences in gado-gado from other vegetables salads is the peanut sauce. The peanut sauce ingredients are :
  • Mashed peanuts.
  • Garlic.
  • Chili and Pepper.
  • Lime Juice.
  • Salt and Brown Sugar.
The reason I choose gado-gado is because gado-gado is commonly and easily to found. Except that, the taste of gado-gado is more delicious then another international salads. That's all the information about gado-gado that I could give for you. Sorry for the incomplete information and may all this information could give you more knowledge.